In simple terms, we are broadly experienced in AEC operations, finance, and M&A, we’ve earned the ability to say what we think, and our cost is comparatively low.
With over $2 billion in acquisition investments and divestiture proceeds, with multiple CEO and CFO assignments, with experience in both strong growth environments as well as deeply defensive conditions, union and non-union, domestic and international, Arc North and Gordie Beittenmiller have a rare breadth of exposure to what AEC offers. This has put Arc North and Beittenmiller in the position to offer clear-eyed and fully independent advice on AEC opportunities and challenges. We say what we think.
From an investment standpoint, we seek great AECs in which to invest, and we are typically compensated by private capital to source good investment opportunities. So we usually have the opportunity to work with you at no cost, unless we are engaged to help with specific internal challenges or represent you in seeking the best transition scenario or valuation.